This reference page came through our library. It's amazing. On one website, you can see the front page of over 700 newspapers worldwide. The site also contains an educator link that has lesson plans on how to use the front pages in a classroom. It's mostly for K-12, but it's still interesting. It's also an interesting way to see what's going on in many cities and states across the world. What biases are apparent on the front page? What do the editors deem the most important to include on the front page? These are the questions that are interesting to investigate.
The Newseum is an actual museum in Washington, DC and there are several links that convince visitors to take the trip. All-in-all, it's an interesting visit and perhaps a way to keep up on the caveat: if you're interested in reading an entire story that continues on page 2, you'll have to visit the original newspaper site and perhaps purchase the paper or a subscription.
The Newseum is an actual museum in Washington, DC and there are several links that convince visitors to take the trip. All-in-all, it's an interesting visit and perhaps a way to keep up on the caveat: if you're interested in reading an entire story that continues on page 2, you'll have to visit the original newspaper site and perhaps purchase the paper or a subscription.
Saturday, February 07, 2009 |
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